Wednesday, March 28, 2012

bottles ding dong honk woo-hoo yellow red blue

You saw it coming.......Oh yes you did.......And now it's here.....a list.....of food...that we people......commonly make fun of....oh yeah....

~hot dogs
~cantaloupe, oranges (and other roundish things

Oh Yeah. That's right.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Gergle doodle bing tin mochi

Man! Those were some tubby groundhogs. "run my fat little bebehs, run!" *sigh* good times, good times. You know how when you are having a conversation with someone *yeah* and then you finish talking *yeah* , and then you start thinking about the topic you were talking about? *yeah*-can we please hold all of the agreement until I finish my story?*yeah*Okay!-and then while you are thinking about the topic you were talking about it reminds you of something that reminds you of something that reminds you of something...(3 reminds you of somethings later)... and those remind you of this funny or interesting story you have, and you blurt it out and it sounds completely random because it has nothing to do w/ the current conversation?*yeah*-It's not the end yet!!
Okay now it is-*yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!* I'm glad you understand. Here is a picture of a delicious looking lasagna:

Tuesday, March 13, 2012




Oh YEah! Last week was my spring break and I went shopping everyday of that week. Yep. Twas fun.

For all that have insta grams, I've been instagramming for 2 months now, and my username is cinnamonbunlenique

If you have been wondering why I continue to place the word cinnamonbun into my usernames and stuff, well it's because oranges come in various shades.

And that's my explanation that makes completely and totally 100% sense without question. But of course, statments are always welcome