An example of how pathetic I am. I was chatting with myself on two different tabs on google docs.
me: hi
cinnamonbun.lenique: hi
me: how is it going
cinnamonbun.lenique: pretty well
and you
me: it is alright
cinnamonbun.lenique: say, do you like sushi?
me: omg yea!
that is like my favorite food ever!
cinnamonbun.lenique: me too! we have alot in common,
It's almost as if we are the same person! ha!
me: ...
cinnamonbun.lenique: ..
me: umm...
cinnamonbun.lenique: so, sushi!
me: oh yeah!
cinnamonbun.lenique: I was wondering if you would like to come over and have sushi party later
I'll be over
1 sec...
me: okay
I see you!
you are in front of me right now!
you are laughing!
no offense but that is SOOOOO lame! But I've done the same thing except it was an email and I told myself I was so pretty… hmmm…