Oh yeah! whuppps I almost published it. two things:
- I now dot my eyes with mustaches (called it) don't you dare claim it as yours. >.<
- Also.... wait I forgot. Hmm. O yeah! SO, I now have a balloon friend named Marv. He's spunky, and bouncy, is practically floating with the beauty of my artistic talent. View the 'Marv and Me' slideshow when i post it.
- wait there's no three.
ok raise your hand if u think that was a stinkin way to end mi post!. I think it is, whoo cares about the classic way of saying bye when you are done? I am not a classic. I am different.
Ha! that was cheesy. Hey I'm still writing in italics. Where am I giing with this? How am I supposed to know? I was just following you.
I like your new layout niquey!