Monday, December 26, 2011


;0 BLAH!Last year I shared this to my music class.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


An example of how pathetic I am. I was chatting with myself on two different tabs on google docs.

me: hi
cinnamonbun.lenique: hi
me: how is it going
cinnamonbun.lenique: pretty well
and you
me: it is alright
cinnamonbun.lenique: say, do you like sushi?
me: omg yea!
that is like my favorite food ever!
cinnamonbun.lenique: me too! we have alot in common,
It's almost as if we are the same person! ha!
me: ...
cinnamonbun.lenique: ..
me: umm...
cinnamonbun.lenique: so, sushi!
me: oh yeah!
cinnamonbun.lenique: I was wondering if you would like to come over and have sushi party later
I'll be over
1 sec...
me: okay
I see you!
you are in front of me right now!
you are laughing!

Sunday, December 18, 2011


from now on,, LMFAO means:

little monkey farts and ostriches
let me feel aging oboes
little mutant frogs all over


At a party, Sammy and I were being "inconspicuous" while seceretly watching a guy in a detective jacket.


At a party, Sammy and I were being "inconspicuous" while seceretly watching a guy in a detective jacket.

lost llama

Dear Public,

Yesterday I lost my llama at the doughnut buffet. He is short, fat and purple furred. He also has pink horn polish on. Please, if you find him call this number: 50. I appreciate your concern.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I know I know, I usually post interesting, and maybe a little funny.........well who am I kidding they are hilarious. Ha! Anyway, this time I am going to post a boring poem.(awwww :( ) But it was writtten by me so it must be good right? (yeah!) enjoy

Ode to my lips Description:

soft pink commentators
light like waterless
soft rain
covered in crust
and filled with gossip and
embarrassing secrets
loud and upset
mouthing words to my
brain and scolding
crappy like chalk,
the white kind
story tellers
moment makers
and sand in between
dragging toes
starting things
naked men
with red
and breaking them
like bullets
they are
the color of the
little hole
in my bedroom wall
a writing fingernail
all splurging out
like milk and fairy dust
It is never hard
hating you
at times
thanking god
that you said
that wonderful thing
you just
you are
glazed doughnuts
filled with jam
how I love
invisible tag you wear
that says “caution,
beautiful when wet”
like the wood floor,
when it’s been
glossed over
without you,
m’s and p’s and b’s
would not be
the same
and I say
thanks to all of the
and joy and satisfaction
and proudness
you have caused

Sunday, November 13, 2011

another post in the life of a person


so...................................that was just a way to direct your attention towards the poll at the bottom of the page.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


WHat's your favorite Princess movie. I loovvee Tiana from princess and the frog. Her character in my opinion is the most funny disney princess. And I found out today that there is this disney princess named anastasia. Never ever heard of her before. She doesn't seem too popular. ANd I like california rolls. That was off topic, but I do like them. ALOT. GIMME YOUR ROLLS!!!! I apologize for.....that.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

the name does not matter anymore because when you read the post you wont even care.

New poll!

Today I won a soccer game. I only had math homework. I think I am going to make muffins. Nevermind. I also had to study. does that count as homework? no. Nevermind. it does. midterms in a week. missed medical explorers because of soccer. got back from soccer at eight thirty. I am writing in a weird way.

Why do I bother to post if I don't have anything to post? I mean, in all my other posts I actually had a goal, but in this post, I am just writing. Sorry about this. you don't have to read the last sentence. but if you want to, you can.

Last sentence: Okay, here's the deal, I have no idea why am even posting right now, by the way it took me three times to finally spell 'right' correctly, and then I only put one 'r' in correctly but I corrected it so now it is correct and this is getting really pointless actually it has been pointless from the start so just, just.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Feed the fish and other stuff

Hey guys, you know you can feed the fish right?

I am so stressed right now. I have to study for a test plus, finish my IRP. This is so frustrating. Not to mention tjat we are starting new units in two classes and that I am studying for one test while I am about to take another. This is just too complicated. Very.

Remember to vote on the polls. one closes in two days the other in four. Mostly all of you guys are voting for glee which i sort of predicted but whatever.

I should probably post a picture or a video or some sort of link on this post so um..


Sunday, October 2, 2011

No they weren't

This is like a one sentence post which is really unnecessary, but: I was looking at my blog when I noticed that the things in the T.G.I.F. post look like potty nuggets, so in case that's what you thought they were...they weren't. THEY ARE MARSHMALLOWS.

Hey you, yeah you. Remember that.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

bluebirds and other stuff

Guys, there's a new poll at the bottom.

Isn't it weird how cartoons can make real things seem so cute? For example birds. Just compare these two pictures of bluebirds.

I don't know if you've heard of that thing with Forever 21 and their "offensive t-shirts. personally I think it is stupid and that they are over reacting, but what can you do? Read the article then vote on what you think on the poll.

Controversial tween T-shirts sure are everywhere these days.

The other week, JC Penney was heavily criticized for selling apparel that read “I'm too pretty to do homework, so my brother does it for me.” Now another failed attempt at cutesiness has the Internet up in commenting-arms: Forever 21 is featuring a shirt emblazoned with “Allergic to algebra” (at $12.80, it’s still no bargain). It doesn’t stop there, either. Other tops showcase such slogans as “I love school – not” and “Skool Sucks.”

As predicted, shoppers and parents are none too pleased. One consumer even resorted to posting a response — via a Post-it-Note — on the collection. The note reads “SMART girls are cool. Don’t buy this top.” And just started a petition asking Forever21 to discontinue selling clothing with sexist messages. “Forever 21's ‘Allergic to Algebra’ shirt is yet another sexist message aimed at young women telling them that math is uncool — while bragging about being bad at math is cool,” the petition reads. “Would these retailers ever consider selling ‘I Can't Do Long Division!’ shirts for boys or men?”

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Off Day

I don't have school today because of Rosh Hashanah. I'm not Jewish but most of the people in my school are. SO I'm going to the Pittsburgh center for the arts. Wow, right? Wow. Why wow?

I don't know, just wow.

Isn't this dress pretty? It was designed by Oscar de la Renta

Friday, September 23, 2011


T.G.I.F. So I had soccer practice today and my friends and I were changing afterschool in the bathroom, and when we were finished, we were like the only ones still upstairs, so I ran downstairs, glad to see that the bus hadn't left. I was halfway out the door when a lady called me back inside to tell me to put on my other shoe(I was only wearing one shoe). and as soon as I bent down to get it on, the bus pulled off. My friends and I missed the bus. ( but we got marshmallows!) However, the bus did come back for us and we got to the field. (twenty minutes late) So Yeah, T.G.I.F!

Saturday, September 17, 2011


My friend posted this on buzz:

Dear Sams Club and Costco,
Thanks for always having free lunch... err, samples.
Sincerely, starving college students.

Dear whoever thought motions sensor lights in a bathroom were a great idea,
They weren't.
Sincerely, pooping in the dark.

Funny huh?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Wow, haven't posted in like a week or two. Anyway, here's whats up, school started (officially) on the first of September, and on the third, I went to washington, D.c. and saw the new memorial. It's called the Dr.MArtin Luther King Jr. Memorial and it's really nice. It's like mount rushmore- except there's only one person and it's a full body statue. Anyway, It's pretty cool. Also, First day of soccer practice was today, and that was the best first practice I've ever done in like like... ever.
Nigahiga is soooo awesome. MY friend introduced me two years ago and it's hilarious, one of a kind. Nigahiga is a video series on youtube. scroll through the videos. how do you like the duck song by the way?

Lady Sniffleton

Saturday, August 27, 2011

ground hogs

Yesterday I went to sandcastle, and boy, there were sooo many of them. Some were fat, and some were... actually all of them were pretty fat ;D Now that I think back , I am pretty sure I have never seen a loose ground hog in person before (not that its normal or anything)
SAndcastle--- I've gone about three times this summer, the first time was pretty awesome because there was hardly anyone there so the lines weren't so bad....the 2nd time was pretty crowded but then someon pooped in the wave pool and so most of them left...but we went back on the slides and stuff, where again, the lines were great. Yesterday was very crowded until the very end. (I used very twice in that sentence :Djajaja) Yesterday I went on the cliffhangers ride for the first time................YEAH!!!!! WOOHOO!(silence)... sorry :( sometimes I get excited

Friday, August 26, 2011


Well... I finally have a blog and yeah. basically that's all. Joking- School starts on Wedsday-boohoo right? but... I get to see everyone again :) so that's good. For those who havent gotten their school stuff yet because they don't know what to get, it's the same as last year; binder, notebook, dividers, calculator and protractor for math. Oh and there is this new movie called abduction and it stars Taylor Lautner (big fan), and guess what... It's filmed in Pittsburgh!!! There is also a scene in PNC park. Okay....Basically that's all, and this time I'm not joking-bye :)