Wednesday, November 7, 2012

So.... U LT Chickenhawk, probably think this is gonna b about the LT Chickenhawk.....

LT Chickenhawk what?


You suck.


Because this is only partially about the LT Chickenhawk....

HOld onto your hats for this one LT Chickenhawk, because...


LT Chickenhawk

That's all. Put your hats back on now.
So I found this Site whee u can make pixel art and I am addicted! The only problem is that... there are NO CUSTOM COLORS. but dats chill... u know we all just gots ta chilll.. I made a bunch which I'll show you in a sec(translation: I just finished baking something).....
Okay! The website btdubs is here

For those who can't tell what my OBVIOUS, PERFECTLY DRAWN, EASY TO MAKE OUT, drawings are: 1. Mushroom 2. Ice Cream 3. Banana 4. Hat 5. Wormy Apple 6.Eye

Vote on the poll! only 2 more days....................

Peace Pickles.


Friday, November 2, 2012

Hey pickles

Yesterday I got my hair in a cupcake and continually stole brownies from a certain locker.....

Lately ppl have been saying I am a good artist so instead of my usual doodles I am going to make something big!!!!! On a big piece of poster...

Not as big and epic as u thought it would be huh pickle?

Fllow meh tumblr.

And plz vote on the poll..

If u have absolutely no IDea as to eat I'm talking about u r creicrei and need help. Or... U could possibly just not have looked at the roasted Mustachio page at the top which would also make u creicrei which makes everybody creicrei. Yes, even Mitt Romney

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Quick Post Sorry Pickles,

     I have a tumblr @cinnamonbunlenique

Monday, October 22, 2012

Sorry, just saw dis pic and needed 2 share...

Love ya!

OMS... that stupid NPR app isn't wrking....

Got new earrings!! they're roses.....
My pink ninja is coming back from Germany.... mi love
o yeah! I am getting oxfords from forever 21 and they are so beautiful!!! But Idk to get white or pink... help me plz.... tell moi ya darn  pickles, which one is more beautiful??

kk yea... Oh! look at ryan's new vid... "first black president...that is Asian!"

Saturday, September 29, 2012

P. Pickles

I realize how akward it must have been for you to read me say "perky pickle". I promise it wont happen again.

Oh yeah! whuppps I almost published it. two things:

  1. I now dot my eyes with mustaches (called it) don't you dare claim it as yours. >.<
  2. Also.... wait I forgot. Hmm. O yeah! SO, I now have a balloon friend named Marv. He's spunky, and bouncy, is practically floating with the beauty of my artistic talent. View the 'Marv and Me' slideshow when i post it. 
  3. wait there's no three.

ok raise your hand if u think that was a stinkin way to end mi post!. I think it is, whoo cares about the classic way of saying bye when you are done? I am not a classic. I am different.

Ha! that was cheesy. Hey I'm still writing in italics. Where am I giing with this?  How am I supposed to know? I was just following you.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


So this post will b really different and boring unlike my other posts.....

Well at least the boring part


Hey have u noticed that I have been writing in spaces?


Many ppl have been starting new blogs and such but I refuse!!

I love u bloggy, I love pickles, and I love America!!!

"well said my friend, well said."
"beautiful, my precious, bootiful"

Saturday, September 22, 2012


Haha sorry guys I almost 4got I had a blog.... Heh heh. I know , i know, disappointment
  and how could I leave people to try and survive with my nonsense wisdom posts? I apologize. But don't worry, someday your mustache will be just as big as mine.
Yo yo yo carrots. WORD.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Hey guys! I am so sry I haven't posted in a while but I know u still love moi right? *booo* well at least u didn't say no.... Anyway school Is out! Camp is in! Pickles are yummy! And poop stinks! Yay! Awkward things that have happened to me since summer( cause u know I live a life of awkwardness):.... 2 awkward to say I will find a way to edit that and get back to u later.

Perky pickle pic : 
 Very Voluminous vid: 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Today a lot of interesting things happened. I shall only name three.....

~ I was tagged in an awkward spot
~I was stabbed with a pin. It was supposedly "acupuncture" ha! yeah not really the person stabbed me with a pin.
~I got my bottom stuck in a tree

Monday, May 14, 2012


WOAH FANCY SEEING YOU HERE. HA! SO TODAY I TOTES HAD CONVO WITH WU BOY AND CAM SOUP AND IT WAS TOTES FABU. YOU WILL BE TOTES JELLY WHEN I TELL YOU WHAT WE SAID. HA! (by the way what is up with people speaking like that? DOES IT TOTES LIKE BLOW THEIR MINDS-a?) (ohh ohh another btw, when ever I capitalize I am speaking in that TOTES ADORB accent. also, WHY DO THEY LIKE PUT 'A' AT THE END OF EVERY WORD-A?) okay now you can wake up because I will actually talk about something interesting. the chat's that i mentioned earlier were real and I will now shoe them to you. *clap clap* Lights please!


5:30 PM i can only talk to ONE person
 me: okay
 Campbell: choose
 me: hw?
 Campbell: your busy
 me: no
 Campbell: hw=homework
 me: I just have one thing
 Campbell: oh
 me: yeah hw=homework but what hw?
 Campbell: i have to catch up in math
  type up
  my IWP
 me: IWP!!!!!!! WE HAVE ONE?
5:31 PM Campbell: no
  we have an IRP
 me: Where's the Food?
 Campbell: but you can do an IWP instead
  what food
 me: Where is the dang FOOd?
 Campbell: CARLIE
 me: W-where'sT-theF-fod
5:32 PM Campbell: oh
5:33 PM me: bai
 Campbell: ok
5:34 PM me: I am back
 Campbell: YAY!
5:35 PM ugh
 me: she left
 Campbell: i now
  i was talking to her
 me: hehe u said now
  I now!
 Campbell: hehe
 me: I now am here!
 Campbell: hehe
5:36 PM me: speaking to you!
  I now declare you pickle and bean!
  I now!
  I now declare that I will have passion and courage and faith!
 Campbell: hehe
 me: I now say that I will speak in the babiest of bay voice!
5:37 PM Campbell: why
 me: I will now do that from here on after!
 Campbell: sorry
  i was chatting someone else
  i accidently
  did that
 me: typed here
5:38 PM Campbell: what
5:39 PM mewoah
  ellie just said and I quote: Hey Girl!!
 Campbell: hehe
 me: the smiley included
  what do I say?
  I can't follow up 2 that
 Campbell: Hmm.
5:40 PM Hey! Well, I'm doing blablabla
 me: nicwe
  i said hey how are u
  you know get a formal twist
  with a little casual twang
  and a mango dash
5:41 PM and rainbow swirl
  and maybe a speck of happiness
  that's the way to do it
 Campbell: wow
  yo uput a lot in
 me: do it flavorful
 Campbell: six words
5:42 PM me: me: Hi ellie
Sent at 5:37 PM on Monday
Ellie: Hey Girl!!
Sent at 5:38 PM on Monday
me: Hey how are u?
Ellie: good... wbu?
me: fine
5:43 PM how is your popsicle?
 Campbell: um
 me: pretty well? alrighty then
5:44 PM B-) romain like a boss in spectacles
 Campbell: wow
5:45 PM me: like the lettuce? no I mean romain
  as in the ancient romans
 Campbell: hehe
  number one
  wrong chat again
 me: hehe
5:46 PM number one?
  what r u talking about????>???
 Campbell: hehe
 me: worry fills the air
 Campbell: math homework
 me: oh
  r u talking 2 claire?
 Campbell: what did you think i was talking about
  no carlie
 me: or katre?
  oh carlie
  is she invisible?
5:47 PM Campbell: maybe
 me: yo veo que haces! yo entiendo que dices!!!!!
5:48 PM TU eres una chica mala
  piensas que tu es muy buena que yo!
  piensas otro ves!
  porque es falso!
  no es cierto!
5:49 PM limpiar tu poca ahora
  Y cierrenlo
 Campbell: wow
 me: porque yo soy una manzana!
  y tu no haces quesos.
  muchas gracias
  did you like my speech?
5:51 PM Campbell: yo no entiendo espanol
 me: o
5:52 PM :O
  :o :O :0
  :O :0 :::o
5:53 PM :>)
  pointy large nose
 Campbell: hehe
5:55 PM me: :-/
  it will b funny when somehow this chat works into our conversation w/ the peeps
  and then.....
5:56 PM we'd have 2.....
 Campbell: yeah
 me: yuck
 Campbell: yeah


me:  ~@~ POOP 2 da max
 Sent at 7:24 PM on Monday
 me:  ~@~
How come smileys come in different fonts but the poop only comes in one font?
 Sent at 7:58 PM on Monday
 Kevin:  how do i know
 Sent at 8:08 PM on Monday
 me:  You seem like the person that would know this stuff. You know all science related tech.
 Kevin:  i dont work for google
direct your questions to them
 me:  well
that just might be a bit hard little Wu
 Sent at 8:13 PM on Monday

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

bottles ding dong honk woo-hoo yellow red blue

You saw it coming.......Oh yes you did.......And now it's here.....a list.....of food...that we people......commonly make fun of....oh yeah....

~hot dogs
~cantaloupe, oranges (and other roundish things

Oh Yeah. That's right.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Gergle doodle bing tin mochi

Man! Those were some tubby groundhogs. "run my fat little bebehs, run!" *sigh* good times, good times. You know how when you are having a conversation with someone *yeah* and then you finish talking *yeah* , and then you start thinking about the topic you were talking about? *yeah*-can we please hold all of the agreement until I finish my story?*yeah*Okay!-and then while you are thinking about the topic you were talking about it reminds you of something that reminds you of something that reminds you of something...(3 reminds you of somethings later)... and those remind you of this funny or interesting story you have, and you blurt it out and it sounds completely random because it has nothing to do w/ the current conversation?*yeah*-It's not the end yet!!
Okay now it is-*yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!* I'm glad you understand. Here is a picture of a delicious looking lasagna:

Tuesday, March 13, 2012




Oh YEah! Last week was my spring break and I went shopping everyday of that week. Yep. Twas fun.

For all that have insta grams, I've been instagramming for 2 months now, and my username is cinnamonbunlenique

If you have been wondering why I continue to place the word cinnamonbun into my usernames and stuff, well it's because oranges come in various shades.

And that's my explanation that makes completely and totally 100% sense without question. But of course, statments are always welcome

Saturday, February 25, 2012


I sang at a pitt womens game today.

This is a very serious post (very serious).: today was a breast cancer awareness game at pitt womens. So on the big screen, the players were anouncing dedications to breast cancer victims. One girl said, "to my great aunt who overcame breast cancer, this game is for you." Mean while the scoreboard was 20-45, pitt losing. I turned to my friend sitting next to me and said "way to dedicate a losing game" I know,I know. Not that serious. But very, very serious.

As serious as pickles.

Because Pickles, are very serious

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Another Banana Post

At the supermarket today. We bought bananas, so I had to put them in those green banana bag thingies. I took out a bag and one of the bag ties. I couldn't hold the ties, the bag, and the bananas all at one time so i put down the tie in the cart. I began to put the bananas in the bag when I looked down and saw the tie was gone. So I got a new tie and set it down in the cart. I looked up again and it was gone. I got another tie and watched this time as i put it in the cart. As I watched, I saw the tie slip through the hole in the cart, and onto the ground where the other ties were lying. So, feeling stupid, I reach for another tie, set it down on a nearby box, put the bananas into the bag, and then walked to the box and tied the bag. I felt so victorious when I sealed that bag o' bananas.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Crazy talk and RuBbing lockers

Rubbing my bottom on lockers and talking about confusing things with Carlie, caused me to produce this song:

You'll get used to it like a butterfly
When you eat your mashed potatoes,
Because its worth the while.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

okay, we do not need names for every stinking post!

OOPS, SOrry the PRevious post didn;t come out that well....


POOPs to that!


Show 'em








Monday, January 23, 2012

Crazy Acrostics

N E W P O L L ~ YOu can tell that I obviously did not put alot of thought into
e e e e n a u that. ANyway, the point is that there is a new poll. By the way,
v s t o z n do not pay attention to this post, look at the one before it.
e t p y c this is just a notice but the post before this is an actual
r a l h post. Seriously , a real live actual post. Whatcha
b e e waiting for lazy banana? Read the previous post.
l s

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Weird Conversations

The weird conversations of me and Mr. Wu *sigh*

me: Inyour profile picture, whose hand is that?
Kevin: why
me: just wondering.
it is obviously not yours
it is a teensy bit too small
but then again...

me: Mr. Wu it has been 2 whole minutes!
are you ignoring my question?
Mr. Wu.
ugh. nvrmind. good night

Kevin: oh
i got sidetracked
me: gasp
Kevin: i'm a busy person
me: eeks
so is it your hand?
Kevin: no
you already figured that one out
me: so it is whos hand exactly?
yuh know, just to clear that up
Kevin: i dont remember
me: (shaking head disappointedly)
what a shame
Kevin: it was from kennywood
last june
me: you have pictures of people that you have gone to amusement parks with and you do not even know who they are. Kreepy mr.Wu. Juust Kreepy.
Kevin: you just wish it was your hand

me: now that's just creepier kevin. Um, I do not want to say good night cause that embraces the akwardness so um. uh. Peace

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Happy new year

Listen up, I have a hard riddle here: if my name is Jim where are the Tim's? But if my name is Paul
, where are the balls?


I saw Joyful noise and I loved it. any movie with donny parton aanndd queen latifah has got to be funny. At the part when they were competing, they were all: Yeaaaaaah Mmhhm Lala

annd I felt like going: oooohhh yeahhhhh lalaala oooohhoh eeeeyyyyea mhhm

but i didnt